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Notices & News목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
Num Subject Writer Views Registration Date Attachments
33 [CBNUH] Season's Greetings Administrator 2,051 2022-12-30  
32 Medical Korea, Where your days begin again (07-15-2022) Administrator 48 2022-07-22  
31 [Health] Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer : Silent Enemies of Women’s Health Administrator 651 2021-07-26  
30 [Health] Stomach and Colorectal Cancer : Early Checkups for Preventing Administrator 706 2021-06-22  
29 [Health] Lung Cancer : Is Nonsmoking the Only Answer Administrator 712 2021-06-03  
28 [Health] Thyroid Cancer : Cancer is Cancer Even if it is Less Dangerous Administrator 765 2021-05-26  
27 [Health] Increasing screen time in the untact era, Do you also experience the VDT syndrome? Administrator 498 2021-04-26  
26 [Health] Stroke: Risk Management as the Most Effective Cure Administrator 511 2021-04-01  
25 [CBNUH] Completion Ceremony for "교육인재관" Administrator 543 2021-03-25  
24 [Health] Get the Most Out of Your Checkups Administrator 524 2021-03-05